Background of the Study
Nursing process is fundamentally both a humanistic and an
intellectual activity in which the nurse gathers information from a variety
of sources and test against personal and professional knowledge to
make sense of communication with people who are in various state of
health and illness (Ajibade 2007).
Nursing is focused more on health problems or specific disease
conditions than on person receiving care. Often nursing care was based
on the intuition of individual nurses or on order written by physician
(Ajibade 2007).
Ajibade suggested that nurses were extension of physicians rather
than health professional providing a different service called nursing. as
knowledge based of nursing expanded it became clear that this
approach to planning care did not view persons as holistic beings with
unique transition method of planning care omitted the purpose solving
method of science that the scientific method was adopted as a
systematic approach to nursing practice. It was this approach that
heralded the advent of nursing process.
According to (WHO 2006) nursing process is an organized
sequence of problem solving steps used to identify and to manage the
health problem of clients. it is accepted for clinical practice established
by the American Nurses Association. Suffice it to say nursing process is
the pride of the nursing profession. Nursing process is therefore an
orderly systematic manner of determining the clients problem making
plan to solve them initiating a plan or assigning others to implement the
plan and evaluating the extent to which plan was effective in solving the
problem identify (Yura and Walsh 1978).
Nursing process therefore is an organized systematic methods of
giving individualized nursing care that focuses on the actual or potential
alternations in health. So nursing process is a set of deliberate activities
that the nurse should perform in a specific sequence to ensure that
persons who require health care received the best nursing care (Ajibade
The phases of nursing process or elements of nursing process
according to Umanitoba (2005) are five. These include assessment
diagnosis planning implementation and evaluation.
In many Nigerian Hospitals the implementation of the nursing
process by nurse clinicians leaves much to be desired.
Anyebe (1998) asserted that the implementation of nursing
process in health institution has been rather slow and its acceptance by
nurse practitioners is resisted at worst and haphazardly implemented at
best. the drive to this study stems from the fact that nurses maintains
that care is at the care of nursing practice (Walsh 2002).
The nursing process helps the nurse to achieve this goal. Nursing
process is an adaptable tool which allows only the nurse to respond to
the changing needs of patients by focusing less on medical emphasis of
disease care and more on holistic of patient health promotion
maintenance and restoration.
Although the nursing process has been criticized and in some
cases replaced by other tools for accountability and documentation it
has remained the most contemporary in nursing circles the world over.
It is a standard against which professionalism in nursing is measured.
Fond and Walsh (1994) and Walsh (1998) cited in Welsh (2002)
maintained that the concept of nursing process is cumbersome. They
suggested its prompt replacement with “critical pathway” reason being
that it heralds a less cumbersome and more quality oriented approach.
Critical pathway from a nursing perspective is a planned care for a
client/patients involving all the activities or care to be rendered. Only
the care which was not critically included in the patients care is written
down. It can however be criticized for its empirical view of patients with
the same disease condition which seriously undermines the concepts of
holistic and individualized care.
Jibril (2005) asserted that there is no hospital in Nigeria where
nursing process is fully implemented. With these antecedents there is
no gain saying that the challenges of the utilization of nursing process
the world over is the bane of professional nursing care to clients
patients families and communities.
In Kaduna state health institution (hospitals) General Hospital
Saminaka inclusive the care is worsened by nurse/patient ratio where
you have about 30 – 40 patient to a nurse in a shift. It was also observe
implementation of nursing process is largely a classroom exercise and at
best utilized by students seeking to improve their practical knowledge in
preparation for examination. In this hospital there are no student
nurses in training reforms if available in the ward only during routine
inspection by regulatory bodies otherwise they remain covered with dust
in the store. In General Hospital Saminaka pose a great challenge that
made this research desirable.
The professional inputs of a nurse will enable a patient to be
discharged on time or enjoy the dying process if the illness will
eventually lead to death (Moronkola 1995).
The use of nursing process will enhance a complete care for the
patient family members. Awonusi (2005) opined that the nurses are key
elements for global health. Policy implementation to meet the needs of
health for all in the 21st century. The nursing contribution to health
services covers the whole spectrum of health care promotion and
prevention as well as health research implementation and innovations.
This opinion follows global trends of information technology where nurse
clinicians are equipped with information and communication technology
(I.C.T.) skills in the implementation of nursing process. The researcher
observed that several of our health care yet to make use of nursing
Statement of the Problem
Nursing process was introduced to enhance the level of health care
delivery by nurses. In other to achieve the objective for which it was
developed certain guidelines and activities have been given. Despite
the introduction of nursing process it application is hardly noticed in
most hospitals especially at Saminaka General Hospital.
Nursing process is supposed to help nurses attain their goals by
enabling a patient to be discharged on time or enjoy the dying process if
the illness will eventually lead to death. The use of nursing process will
enhance a complete care for the patient family members. The
seemingly non implementation of the nursing process is therefore a
problem which the study sought to investigate. The problem of the
study therefore is ineffective outcome of the nursing process in
Saminaka General Hospital.
Purpose of the Study
The broad objective of this research study was assessment of the
implementation of nursing process in General Hospital Saminaka.
Specifically the study seeks to:
1) Determine nurses level of knowledge of nursing process
2) Determine nurses utilization of nursing process
3) Determine factors militating against utilization of nursing process
4) Determine nurses perception of nursing process
Significance of the Study
At the end of the study the researcher hopes that the result of this
study will be significantly used as baseline data to determine
implementation of nursing process by all nurses.
It is hoped that patient will receive adequate nursing care through
proper planning implementation evaluation in patient care and
And also its significant is on the hope that funding will be made to
assist in solving problem that contribute to non implementation of
nursing process by nurses in General Hospital Saminaka Kaduna state
and beyond through the policy formulations and policy implementation
of health care delivery.
Research Questions
1) What is the level of knowledge on nursing process by nurses in
General Hospital Saminaka?
2) What is the nurses utilization of nursing process by nurses in
Saminaka General Hospital?
3) What is the perception of nursing process by nurses in Saminaka
General Hospital?
4) What are the factors militating against utilization of nursing
Scope of the Study
The scope of the study is delimited to the nursing process as an
aspect of the nursing profession only.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
national diploma (nd)
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